Welcome to the Versailles Area Chamber of Commerce. We would like to thank you for choosing to be part of the Versailles Area Chamber of Commerce. Our members are an integral part of our activities and promotions throughout the year, and are our greatest asset. We strive to help our businesses and the community grow through our community activities, our newsletter, and promotions, such as our web site.
If there is anything we can do to help you, your business, or your employees, please feel free to ask. There is just one thing we ask in return, that you show an interest in the Chamber and attend our membership meetings. If you would like to become more involved, we would be happy to place you on a committee. If you ever have any concern or questions, please feel free to call the Chamber office at (573)378-4401 or fax us at (573)378-2499. You may also email us at vchamber@sbcglobal.net. We are always looking for new ideas and varied viewpoints. This is what makes us all prosper. Have a great year!